Triggers & Symptoms of IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. There are various signs and symptoms, which we'll cover later. IBS is chronic and needs to be managed on a long-term basis.


There is only a small number of people that struggle with the severe signs and symptoms of IBS. More often than not, the symptoms or mild. The more powerful the symptoms, the more you should speak with a doctor to see what the next step would be for you.


IBS Symptoms

The symptoms and signs of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are usually present for a long period of time. The most common ones are:


Abdominal Pain




Mucus in Stool




Severe signs and symptoms include:


Diarrhea During The Night

Weight Loss

Rectal Bleeding


Unexplained Vomiting

Difficulty Swallowing

Constant Pain


The exact cause of IBS is still unknown. Various ideas are rolling around, but nothing solid or concrete. Doctors and scientists have been studying the condition, trying to figure out the main causes with little to no information. In some situations, IBS is a sign of another underlined condition. That fact in itself is one good reason to see a doctor.


IBS Triggers

The symptoms of IBS are generally triggered by something such as:


Food: Food allergies or intolerance can trigger IBS symptoms. Some trigger foods for people are citrus fruits, milk, cabbage, beans, wheat, and carbonated drinks. Keeping a food journal can help you find the foods that trigger you.


Stress: Stress has its hands in a lot of drama to our body. IBS may become worse or more frequent when we're stressed out, especially periods of increased or heightened stress levels. Stress agitates IBS symptoms, but it is not a cause of the symptoms.


Nervousness or Anxiety: Some people dealing with IBS notice that when they're anxious or nervous about something, it triggers their IBS symptoms.


One of the best ways to know how to handle your specific IBS situation is to speak to a doctor. Keep an eye on when your symptoms are triggered and track them in a journal. Whenever you notice a consistent pattern with the trigger and possible cause, you can usually try to avoid whatever the triggers are.


Avoid greasy, over-salted, over-processed foods. If you eat a portion of specific food and notice IBS symptoms increasing, limit or avoid the food altogether.


IBS can be frustrating, and more severe cases can be gut-wrenching, literally! Take the time to learn your triggers and symptoms. Once you know what they are, you can try to eliminate them from your daily life. As time goes on, you're likely to have fewer symptoms and issues.